what happens when an AGC Fuse is blown

What Happens When You Blow A Fuse?

What Happens When You Blow A Fuse? Fuses are your first line of defense when it comes to protecting your electrical application. Once a fuse is blown, it cannot perform the protective functions that you need. Del City investigated further into what a fuse looks like during this process. We slowed it down so you […]

How To Increase Trailer Efficiency and Longevity

How do you Increase your trailer efficiency and longevity? There are more types of trailers in various sizes on the road than ever before.  The January 2018 prediction for the trailer industry was very favorable, and it has continued to meet those standards. A lot of this growth has come from increased efficiency, increased safety, […]

farm tractor hauling grain

Compression Battery Lugs and Terminals In Agriculture

Agriculture is a growing industry that utilizes electrical supplies including compression battery lugs and terminals. According to the World Bank, agriculture is growing so fast that it is estimated to feed 9.7 billion people by 2050. With this type of growth and potential benefits, the highest quality supplies are necessary to keep this market on […]

Air and Hydraulic Brakes

Ask the Expert: Air, Hydraulic & Electric Brakes

Everyone knows that brakes cause a vehicle to stop, but may not exactly know how brakes work. There is more then one type of brake, so to clear up any confusion we sat down with Del City’s Technical Expert. In this segment, our Technical Expert will answer common questions about air brakes and hydraulic brakes, as well […]

Fusion Battery Terminals

Battery Lugs, Terminals & Tools

There are many types of battery lugs, terminals and tools. In this post we go into detail on the different types of products that allow you to make the most of your battery cable and electrical connections.

What Is Heat Shrink?

Everything You Need to Know About Heat Shrink In the electrical supply world, heat shrink seems to be everywhere! By the name we can tell there is probably something with heat as well as with becoming smaller in size. Besides that, where do you find heat shrink material? What does it actually do? Why should […]

Solenoid cut-away

How to Test a Solenoid- A Step by Step Guide

Wiring and power systems can be a little tricky to wrap your head around, especially when it comes to something as specific as a solenoid. This device is necessary with your vehicle’s starter in order to keep your vehicle running smoothly and efficiently. But you may be wondering, how do I know my solenoid works […]

UV Resistant Loom

Understanding the Different Types of Loom

There are many different types of loom, understanding the right type of loom for your project will help to ensure your wiring will last. Using loom is important to protect exposed wires and cables from foreign debris, the harsh environment, and high vibration areas. Some of the different types we will look at are: Split, […]

Woven Wire Loom

4 Tips For Choosing Wire Loom

Here are 4 tips for choosing the correct wire loom for your project. Protecting your wire is important, and choosing the right type of wire loom can have a big impact on the level of protection and look of the installation. To make sure you get what you need, here’s a few tips when choosing […]